Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re:_Mailing_List_Activation?=
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Zafer Aydogan <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 08/22/2005 17:44:08
Maybe I should be more precise:
To subribe to a NetBSD Mailing List, I have to confirm the subscription by
replying an Email, where I have to copy & paste a String into the new Mail.
Usually (Mailman does it), the confirmation Email provides an activation
Link, where I just have to click on it, to get confirmed & subscribed.
For curmudgeons :) or anybody who don't like clicking Links, or are not able
to use Links, there is alternatively the part with "copy & paste" provided.
I just thought, the NetBSD Mailing List Software should support this

> I actually think that involvement with NetBSD correlates positively
> (albeit not perfectly) with being old-fashioned in such ways.

NetBSD is up to date, when it comes to security issues, 3rd party Software
and it's Userland.

My suggestion is offering a little more comfort for the People who wants to
sign up to the NetBSD Mailing Lists, instead of scaring them away.

der Z.