Subject: Re: rc.d: time synchronization issues at boot time
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 03/16/2005 18:15:23
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Mike M. Volokhov wrote:
> Thus, just let ntp stuff trust other nameservers recorded at
> resolv.conf - start it as early as possible.

You can't assume that /etc/resolv.conf points to working remote
nameservers.  The file might be missing, which causes the resolver
in libc to try or (or the IPv6 equivalents, ::1 or
::0) depending on compile time options.  It's also quite common for
/etc/resolv.conf to contain "nameserver", and not refer to any
other nameservers.

--apb (Alan Barrett)