Subject: Re: du(1) with gigabyte option.
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 02/21/2003 03:56:21
>> Second, since -m and -g are nonportable anyway, why not let -k take
>> an argument?  That way, -km, -kg, -kt, etc. work (with -k retaining
>> its current meaning).
> You can't do that, arguments are not allowed to be optional.

...??  Who's to allow or disallow?  I've seen flags with optional
arguments.  (Not often, but occasionally.)

I see no reason this couldn't be treated as four different flags - -k,
-km, -kg, and -kt, each with its own meaning (which just happen to be
closely related).

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