Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc/etc/rc.conf.d
To: Luke Mewburn <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 04/19/2002 08:58:12
On 19-Apr-02 Luke Mewburn wrote:
> what about just having a section at the top of the rc.d script itself
> that sets the defaults?

From sushi's point of view, that wouldn't be so bad.  However as a user not
using sushi, it would be really annoying.  Right now you can look in one place
to find out what the defaults are.  By cutting it apart, you would be forced to
look in a zillion places.

>  --> new section follows
>  --> contains "defaults: " and then a description of what it does
> this could be used by a script to build the default sushi form files
> as well...

It would need a variety of additional things.  As Fredrick says in another
email, there are a few more things sushi would need to build the form file. 
However, rather than trying to come up with YA meta-language that sushi would
parse and create a form file from, it might be easier to embed the form file
lines in the script itself.  Assuming we changed to this method, one could
simply put the required form lines at the top of each script, and have a
makefile target that regenerates the sushi form file.  An added bonus would be
that said build process could use rcorder, and the form would be in execution
order.  :)

Tim Rightnour <>
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