Subject: YP and passwd.conf (was Re: default passwd.conf file)
To: Perry Metzger <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 04/15/2002 15:22:02
One thing that came to me when catching up with this thread is that this
change of default will hose people setting up a YP server for the first

Even though YP passwords would be set to the old salted-DES style, a YP
server isn't set up until ypinit(8) is run and "make" is run in /var/yp.
This copies passwd entries from /etc/master.passwd into the YP maps -- which
won't use salted-DES crypto because of this change.

This should be taken into heavy consideration here.

-- Todd Vierling <>  *  Wasabi & NetBSD:  Run with it.
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