Subject: named.conf
To: None <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/26/2002 14:40:28
Could someone explain to me why it is that our named looks in
/etc/named.conf for a named.conf file, but our default named.conf file
ships in /etc/namedb/named.conf?

This has bugged me for years. I always ritualistically make a symlink
to fix it, but it is silly.

Assuming it is an accident of history, and I have no reason to believe
otherwise, I want to fix it.

There are two ways to do this: change the default in the binary, or
change the default in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.

Which do people prefer that I do? My opinion at the moment is that
changing it in /etc/defaults/rc.conf is "correct" because changing it
in the binary could break people tracking current, but on the other
hand, it is bloody obvious that for ten years in NetBSD the file has
natively lived in /etc/namedb/ so perhaps the default should change in
the binary.

Perry E. Metzger
Quality NetBSD Sales, Support & Service.