Subject: Re: more work in rc.d [was Re: rc, rc.shutdown proposed change]
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 03/17/2000 05:25:19
>> You have managed to so completely miss the point [...]

> This wasn't aimed at me, but it makes me think: Mouse, has it ever
> occurred to you that _you_ are also being pretty damn stubborn here??

Heh.  Not in so many words, but close.

> Other people obviously want the new functionality, but you don't seem
> to be giving it any credit at all.  If you're assuming no one needs
> the new features just because you don't need them, [...]

I don't think I'm assuming that.

But in most areas, when someone proposes a new feature, one of the
first things I ever see is some form of "make sure it doesn't break
anything".  That seems to have fallen by the wayside here.  Lots of
features have waited - or been waiting - in the wings, in one form or
another, for a long time, pending someone figuring out how to do them
right enough that everyone was at least mollified, if not entirely
content.  This time around was entirely different; I never even saw any
indication that it was more than another strawman proposal being
presented with a fait accompli - once again, method rather than
substance is a large part of the issue, not that I like the substance
any more than I ever did.

					der Mouse

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