Subject: Re: src/gnu/usr.bin/egcs/common
To: None <>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/17/1999 17:30:07
  Isn't this in relation to threads in libc?

  If thread friendly libc isn't enough to justify bumping a major
library version, then what else is? It sounds like we really need to do some
housekeeping here.

  Yes, we have to produce and update the previous libc version for
a major release, and this needs some changes to the src/lib/libc build
regime to build two libcs.

  I think it would be worth it. 

   :!mcr!:            |  Cow#1: Are you worried about getting Mad Cow Disease?
   Michael Richardson |  Cow#2: No. I'm a duck.
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