Subject: /etc/login.conf
To: None <>
From: Martin J. Laubach <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/07/1999 09:45:22
  I propose (and volunteer) to work on /etc/login.conf, as it
appears in BSDI and FreeBSD.

  The problem

  There is currently, short of adding and duplicating shell code
in /etc/profile and /etc/csh.cshrc, no way of defining resource
limits or environments for users. Also, some other settings are
currently hard-coded in binaries, like the password expiry warn
time, and cannot be changed at all, lest for different user classes.

  The proposal

  (a) Add the necessary routines for parsing /etc/login.conf style
files, as known from BSDI or FreeBSD to libc.

  The login.conf file describes the various attributes of login
classes. It links definitions to entries in /etc/passwd by means
of the -- present, but currently unused -- "class" field.
A login.conf entry looks quite similar to a termcap(5) style
entry, except for longer, more descriptive naming.

  (b) Modify the relevant programs to use login.conf. This
includes login, su, ftpd for setting resource limits, but also
passwd(1) which finally would make the 'expire' feature useful.


  Login.conf in BSDI and FreeBSD defines several things:
authentication settings (bsd authentication in BSDI, PAM in FreeBSD),
resource limits and environment settings, and miscellaneous account
relevant settings.

  I do _NOT_ want to touch the authentication stuff per se, since
it is highly controversial whether PAM or bsd authentication is
the way to go, so only the following entries will be relevant.

  Please keep in mind that though many of those seem duplicating
already present functionality (/etc/nologin for example), they
can be set on a per user class basis!

  Resource limits
     cputime         time       CPU usage limit.
     filesize        size       Maximum file size limit.
     datasize        size       Maximum data size limit.
     stacksize       size       Maximum stack size limit.
     coredumpsize    size       Maximum coredump size limit.
     memoryuse       size       Maximum of core memory use size limit.
     memorylocked    size       Maximum locked in core memory size limit.
     maxproc         number     Maximum number of processes.
     openfiles       number     Maximum number of open files per process.

  Environment settings
     hushlogin        bool      Same as having a ~/.hushlogin file.
     ignorenologin    bool      Login not prevented by nologin.
     lang             string    Set $LANG environment variable.
     manpath          path      Default search path for manpages.
     nologin          file      As /etc/nologin.
     path             path      Default search path.
     priority         number    Initial priority (nice) level.
     requirehome      bool      Require a valid home directory to login.
     setenv           list      A comma-separated list of env vars/vals.
     shell            prog      Session shell to execute.
     term             string    Default terminal.
     timezone         string    Default value of $TZ environment variable.
     umask            number    Initial umask.
     welcome          file      File containing welcome message.

  Authentication settings
     minpasswordlen    number   The minimum length for local password
     copyright         file     File containing additional copyright

  Accounting limits
     expireperiod      time     Time for expiry allocation.
     graceexpire       time     Grace days for expired account.
     gracetime         time     Additional grace login time allowed.
     harduserlimit      bool    Do not allow the user to
     passwordtime      time     Used by passwd(1) to set expiry date.
     warnexpire        time     Advance notice for pending account expiry.
     warnpassword      time     Advance notice for pending password


  If no /etc/login.conf is present, none.

  If /etc/login.conf exists, and no classes are specified in /etc/passwd,
the values are taken from the 'default' entry (or 'root' for the root
account). Else from the corresponding class entry.


  Since this will touch some security relevant parts, any imported
parts of code need to be carefully audited.

  Actions necessary

  Flame me to a crisp.

