Subject: Re: cdcontrol / cdctl
To: Julian Assange <>
From: Andy Doran <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 07/23/1999 02:40:07
[Disclamer: I am inebriated at present]

On 25 Jul 1999, Julian Assange wrote:

> This should be renamed cdctl and placed in /usr/bin to keep with NetBSD
> naming conventions.

Gack! I sent the mail about cdcontrol(8) long time ago. It's now cdplay(1)  
and resides in /usr/bin.

> I ported this code too a while ago, but upon closer examination of the
> source, was so horrified that I never committed it. It *really* needs
> a complete re-write. However, it *is* functional and actually having
> it in the tree might encourage someone to take up arms against it. The

Basically, I did four things to cdcontrol(8):

	o Port to NetBSD (duh)
	o Rename it 'cdplay'
	o Some KNF
	o Re-organise output to be more 'readable'

There are plenty of oppertunities to overflow buffers in the code, however
given that it's not set?id and that I'm quite busy, it didn't seem to be a
'fix me now' issue.

> needed code is quite simple, but with still some scope for creativity,
> so this would be a good project for many.

Please suggest :)

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