Subject: Re: arg list too long?
To: Simon Gerraty <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 06/02/2005 19:17:58
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On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 04:24:12PM -0700, Simon Gerraty wrote:
  | I hit this when trying to cross-build -current on a freebsd box.
  | Eventually the arg list will become too long, so the following patch=20
  | might be useful...  (I think I posted this patch last year some time)

Wouldn't it be unnecessary in the if we just migrated the kernel to
using a `.d' mechanism just like userland?
It would also certainly speed up the '.depend' creation in kernel
builds when you are just changing one file  ...

I looked at doing this a while ago but got distracted.

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