Subject: Re: autoconf and m4 on netbsd-i386
To: None <>
From: Valeriy E. Ushakov <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 02/04/2005 19:54:37
On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 17:36:13 +0100, Jachym Holecek wrote:
> > > > Can someone help me with getting autoconf+m4
> > > > functional on netbsd i386? It should be pretty
> > > > straightfwd if it is part of the distribution.
> > >
> > > What about ${pkgsrc}/devel/autoconf{213,}? I don't
> > > think autoconf is
> > > in the base system.
> > >
> > autoconf is in gnu.tar.gz. Why wouldn't you want it to
> > be part of the system?
> I admit I never noticed it was there ;-). Doesn't get installed, though.
The reason autoconf is shipped as part of the source tree is so that
configure scripts that *we* maintain (e.g. tools/compat) can be
re-generated consistely. I.e. we don't want a small change to to reasult in a a totally different configure just
because a different version of autoconf is used to re-generate the
configure script.
The reason it's not get installed is b/c we use it for a very specific
purpose. Generic purpose uses are covered by pkgsrc that takes care
of different version peacefully coexsiting on the same machine, etc.
If you want to change in-tree gcc configure scripts, you are better
off using the same version of autoconf that was used by gcc people to
generate the configure script for the release that was imported into
the NetBSD tree.
SY, Uwe
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