Subject: Re: autoconf and m4 on netbsd-i386
To: Jachym Holecek <>
From: Kamal R. Prasad <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 02/04/2005 07:56:10
--- Jachym Holecek <> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I downloaded netbsd 2.0 src tree on an i386
> system
> > running netbsd 2.0 (from the iso image). I did a
> > #./ distribution
> > #./ install=/
> >
> > That presumably installed a perfect distribution
> of
> > netbsd 2.0. When I ran autoconf in
> src/gnu/dist/gcc, [...]
> Just out of curiosity -- why?
I am adding a new target (blackfin) into gcc, which
requires modifying and running autoconf
to generate configure.
> > Can someone help me with getting autoconf+m4
> > functional on netbsd i386? It should be pretty
> > straightfwd if it is part of the distribution.
> What about ${pkgsrc}/devel/autoconf{213,}? I don't
> think autoconf is
> in the base system.
autoconf is in gnu.tar.gz. Why wouldn't you want it to
be part of the system? Or rather, how do others
generate configure scripts on netbsd?
> Regards,
> -- Jachym Holecek
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