Subject: Re: usr.bin/make
To: Max Okumoto <>
From: James Chacon <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 02/01/2005 11:10:44
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 04:24:12AM -0800, Max Okumoto wrote:
> >In article <>,
> >Max Okumoto <> wrote:
> >
> >>The following two attachments are a script that and the diffs
> >>generated by that script. The script does the following:
> >>
> >> * removes spaces between function name and parameters.
> >> funcname (1, 2, 3) => funcname(1, 2, 3)
> >
> >that is fine.
> >
> >> * removes (void) from in front of unsed return
> >> values of functions.
> >> (void)funcname(1, 2) => funcname(1, 2)
> >
> >that breaks lint. Why do you want to do it?
> >
> >christos
> 1. It would make the code more consistant.
> % cd usr.bin/make
> % grep printf *.c
> % grep close *.c
> 2. It clutters the code without adding much
> information.
I fail to see how it clutters the code really (and it's also making it
fairly obvious the function returned something and we're ignoring that fact).
> 3. Does anyone really still use lint? Compilers
> today generate better warnings and most don't
> warn about unused return values.
Yes. Our libraries get built with it still and lint often finds things
the compiler doesn't/can't.