Subject: Re: remove default of STRIPFLAG=-s ?
To: None <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 02/12/2004 21:35:05
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On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 10:58:20AM +0100, Jaromir Dolecek wrote:
  | matthew green wrote:
  | > i disagree quite heavily.  binaries with *just* symbols in them are
  | > actually quite useful if you are debugging.  you don't have *real*
  | > debug info but you can see what functions are what and often that's
  | > all you need to find / fix a bug.
  | Okay, the traceback is very useful to track down the problem place.
  | Ain't our base programs bug-free tho, so we don't need it? ;)
  | If the toal size difference is really just 100K for whole base,
  | I guess it's no big deal.

It adds 10MB for the whole base+x11, growing from 281MB to 291MB

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