Subject: Re: building release: two annoyances
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 12/20/2003 10:06:11 (Hubert Feyrer) writes:
> Trying to do my own snapshot of 1.6.2_RCwhatever, I ran into two
> annoyances:
> 1) when doing a release in src, then in xsrc, then going back to src
>    to do an update, checkflist complains that there's a lot of X stuff
>    in $DESTDIR. Of course it is, that's from the xsrc build.
>    It would be nice if checkflist was ran with -both if X files are
>    found to be installed.

Ditto for $DESTDIR/netbsd .  It would be nice to populate the destdir
rootfs with the new kernel and have everything in one place ready to

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
       The above "From:" address is valid.  Don't mess with it.