Subject: Re: make: add ksh spec and have compat mode use default shell
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 07/31/2003 13:13:04
In article <>,
Simon J. Gerraty <> wrote:

I like it.


>Index: compat.c
>RCS file: /cvsroot/src/usr.bin/make/compat.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.45
>diff -u -p -r1.45 compat.c
>--- compat.c	2003/07/14 18:19:11	1.45
>+++ compat.c	2003/07/31 05:48:17
>@@ -259,8 +259,12 @@ CompatRunCommand(ClientData cmdp, Client
> 	 * -e flag as well as -c if it's supposed to exit when it hits an
> 	 * error.
> 	 */
>-	static const char *shargv[4] = { _PATH_BSHELL };
>+	static const char *shargv[4];
>+	shargv[0] = shellPath;
>+	/*
>+	 * The following work for any of the builtin shell specs.
>+	 */
> 	if (DEBUG(SHELL))
> 		shargv[1] = (errCheck ? "-exc" : "-xc");
> 	else
>@@ -549,6 +553,8 @@ Compat_Run(Lst targs)
>     const char    *cp;	    /* Pointer to string of shell meta-characters */
>     GNode   	  *gn = NULL;/* Current root target */
>     int	    	  errors;   /* Number of targets not remade due to errors */
>+    Shell_Init();		/* setup default shell */
>     if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
> 	signal(SIGINT, CompatInterrupt);
>Index: config.h
>RCS file: /cvsroot/src/usr.bin/make/config.h,v
>retrieving revision 1.14
>diff -u -p -r1.14 config.h
>--- config.h	2002/01/16 03:40:29	1.14
>+++ config.h	2003/07/31 05:48:17
>@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@
>  *	from: @(#)config.h	8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93
>  */
>+#ifndef DEFSHELL
> #define	DEFSHELL	1			/* Bourne shell */
> /*
>Index: job.c
>RCS file: /cvsroot/src/usr.bin/make/job.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.80
>diff -u -p -r1.80 job.c
>--- job.c	2003/07/16 07:16:24	1.80
>+++ job.c	2003/07/31 05:48:20
>@@ -209,6 +209,16 @@ static Shell    shells[] = {
>     "e",
> },
>     /*
>+     * KSH description. 
>+     */
>+    "ksh",
>+    TRUE, "set +v", "set -v", "set +v", 6,
>+    TRUE, "set -e", "set +e",
>+    "v",
>+    "e",
>+    /*
>      * UNKNOWN.
>      */
> {
>@@ -223,10 +233,10 @@ static Shell 	*commandShell = &shells[DE
> 						   * commands in the Makefile.
> 						   * It is set by the
> 						   * Job_ParseShell function */
>-static const char *shellPath = NULL,		  /* full pathname of
>+const char *shellPath = NULL,		  	  /* full pathname of
> 						   * executable image */
>-               	*shellName = NULL,	      	  /* last component of shell */
>-		*shellArgv = NULL;		  /* Custom shell args */
>+           *shellName = NULL;		      	  /* last component of shell */
>+static const char *shellArgv = NULL;		  /* Custom shell args */
> static int  	maxJobs;    	/* The most children we can run at once */
>@@ -2531,6 +2541,28 @@ Job_Make(GNode *gn)
>     (void) JobStart(gn, 0, NULL);
> }
>+    if (shellPath == NULL) {
>+	/*
>+	 * The user didn't specify a shell to use, so we are using the
>+	 * default one... Both the absolute path and the last component
>+	 * must be set. The last component is taken from the 'name' field
>+	 * of the default shell description pointed-to by commandShell.
>+	 * All default shells are located in _PATH_DEFSHELLDIR.
>+	 */
>+	shellName = commandShell->name;
>+	shellPath = str_concat(_PATH_DEFSHELLDIR, shellName, STR_ADDSLASH);
>+    }
>+    if (commandShell->exit == NULL) {
>+	commandShell->exit = "";
>+    }
>+    if (commandShell->echo == NULL) {
>+	commandShell->echo = "";
>+    }
> /*-
>  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  * Job_Init --
>@@ -2581,24 +2613,7 @@ Job_Init(int maxproc, int maxlocal)
> 	targFmt = TARG_FMT;
>     }
>-    if (shellPath == NULL) {
>-	/*
>-	 * The user didn't specify a shell to use, so we are using the
>-	 * default one... Both the absolute path and the last component
>-	 * must be set. The last component is taken from the 'name' field
>-	 * of the default shell description pointed-to by commandShell.
>-	 * All default shells are located in _PATH_DEFSHELLDIR.
>-	 */
>-	shellName = commandShell->name;
>-	shellPath = str_concat(_PATH_DEFSHELLDIR, shellName, STR_ADDSLASH);
>-    }
>-    if (commandShell->exit == NULL) {
>-	commandShell->exit = "";
>-    }
>-    if (commandShell->echo == NULL) {
>-	commandShell->echo = "";
>-    }
>+    Shell_Init();
>     if (pipe(exit_pipe) < 0)
> 	Fatal("error in pipe: %s", strerror(errno));
>Index: job.h
>RCS file: /cvsroot/src/usr.bin/make/job.h,v
>retrieving revision 1.18
>diff -u -p -r1.18 job.h
>--- job.h	2003/07/14 18:19:12	1.18
>+++ job.h	2003/07/31 05:48:20
>@@ -231,6 +231,9 @@ typedef struct Shell {
>     const char   *exit;		/* exit on error */
> }               Shell;
>+extern const char *shellPath;
>+extern const char *shellName;
> extern int	job_pipe[2];	/* token pipe for jobs. */
> extern int	jobTokensRunning; /* tokens currently "out" */
> extern int	jobTokensFree;	/* tokens free but not yet released to pipe */
>@@ -251,6 +254,7 @@ extern Lst  	stoppedJobs;	/* List of job
> 				 * quite get started */
> #endif
>+void Shell_Init(void);
> void Job_Touch(GNode *, Boolean);
> Boolean Job_CheckCommands(GNode *, void (*abortProc )(const char *, ...));
> void Job_CatchChildren(Boolean);
>Index: main.c
>RCS file: /cvsroot/src/usr.bin/make/main.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.89
>diff -u -p -r1.89 main.c
>--- main.c	2003/07/14 18:19:12	1.89
>+++ main.c	2003/07/31 05:48:22
>@@ -1224,10 +1224,12 @@ Cmd_Exec(const char *cmd, const char **e
>     *err = NULL;
>+    if (!shellName)
>+	Shell_Init();
>     /*
>      * Set up arguments for shell
>      */
>-    args[0] = "sh";
>+    args[0] = shellName;
>     args[1] = "-c";
>     args[2] = cmd;
>     args[3] = NULL;
>@@ -1258,7 +1260,7 @@ Cmd_Exec(const char *cmd, const char **e
> 	(void) dup2(fds[1], 1);
> 	(void) close(fds[1]);
>-	(void) execv(_PATH_BSHELL, UNCONST(args));
>+	(void) execv(shellPath, UNCONST(args));
> 	_exit(1);