Subject: Re: A couple of suggestions for
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 02/19/2003 09:46:52
On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 09:04:16AM -0600, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
  | I have a couple of suggestions for to make a build easier to
  | restart after a failed attempt, for whatever reason.
  | 1) Print the exact command line used to start the build before doing
  | anything else, so it will be at the top of any captured log file:
  | [...]

I'm testing Andrew Brown's enhancement to this suggestion.

  | 2) I would like a "-c" or "-C" option to set NOCLEANDIR, and to not
  | run any explicit "clean" targets. "-u" has "interesting"
  | consequences when $DESTDIR is empty, and I'd like to not have to deal
  | with that, when I only want to skip the "clean" phase (because I know
  | the tree is already cleaned). It could be useful for kernel=, too.

What are the `` "interesting" consequences '' of -u (UPDATE) on an
empty $DESTDIR ?  (Fwiw: I use UPDATE all the time)
