Subject: Re: New checkflist mechanism too strict ?
To: None <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 07/23/2002 02:57:08
On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 03:31:57PM +0100, David Laight wrote:
  | > >   | Fortunately it is the last thing the build (currently) does.
  | > >   | I guess you could add a '-' to the front of the command in the makefile.
  | > >   | Maybe that check ought to be optional?
  | > > 
  | > > No, it should not be optional.
  | > > 
  | > > The addition of "make checkflist" was added to the "maketars" target in
  | > > distrib/sets/Makefile to ensure that the generated tar files have all
  | > > the appropriate contents.
  | Except that isn't where it was added.

Yes, it was added there (c.f rev 1.16 of distrib/sets/Makefile).

  | It was added to the 'distribution' target of src/Makefile,
  | which is the target that generates.

It appears that I was checking a slightly out of date source tree,
so you're right about this part of the change.  Jason had since
added the checkflist to src/Makefile's distribution target in
revisions 1.181 and 1.182.  So, make may stop in this case if
checkflist returns non zero due to it detecting an inconsistent tree.
