Subject: Re: sparc64 / libstdc++ change...
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 05/14/2001 12:29:40
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On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 08:26:42AM +0200, Martin Husemann wrote:
> Your options are:=20
> - install a newer toolchain snapshot and make sure your path prefers=20
> /usr/local/bin over /usr/bin or remove the broken files from /usr/bin
I'm running -current, remember, and I've been using gcc 2.95.2 pretty
much since I started off with this sparc64.
> - wait for the 1.5.1 sets to become available (hopefully soon), which
> will contain a fixed "embedded" toolchain.
Hm? What have I missed, here? What toolchain will 1.5.1 use? I would
assume that a toolchain upgrade would hit -current first, and I figured
I'd have heard of it...? I'd be happy if I'm somehow running the wrong
toolchain and in fact nothing is broken... :P
M a s o n L o r i n g B l i s s
awake ? sleep : random() & 2 ? dream : sleep;
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