Subject: Re: xsrc make
To: John Darrow <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 04/06/1999 22:27:57
On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 09:32:06PM -0500, John Darrow wrote:
> In article <> you write:
> >Hi,
> >
> >does make install in xsrc obey the NetBSD "DESTDIR" semantics?
> >
> > -is
> I don't believe it does. This was one of the many things I addressed in
> pr misc/7089, which has been sitting open for about a month now.
Yeah. You mixed in secr stuff, which makes it potentially untouchable for
anybody but US residents in the US of A (and maybe Canadians).
[I know, not itself... but I am not allowed to extract a source tree where
the diff would cleanly apply, as far as I can guess.]
However, I'll try to extract your xsrc DESTDIR part and convince releng to
accept it.