Subject: Re: a.out DOES support `rpath'
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 09/12/1998 15:18:05
On Sat, 12 Sep 1998 18:09:51 -0400 (EDT)
Todd Vierling <> wrote:
> Well, now that some of pkgsrc properly uses the `rpath' feature of ld, I've
> found out a neat little hidden feature of a.out platforms -- and if I looked
> closely at the Mozilla build process, I'd have seen it. a.out platforms
> _do_ properly support rpath semantics, even under 1.3.x (where the option is
> -R to ld). So, if pkgs are fixed to use rpath, they will work on a.out
> without /usr/pkg/lib in /etc/ `Neato.'
> I imagine this could be fixed in the imake stuff for X, as well. I'll look
> into doing that.
> Now, not that this says that " is a good idea to add for backwards
> compatibility in ELF," it does rather shoot a hole in the main counter
> argument that is the "hack that exists because a.out has no
> rpath." :-)
Yah, I could have told you that :-)
Maybe we could make ld's -R also work as --rpath like binutils ld does?
(Does binutils ld have -R, too?)
Jason R. Thorpe
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