Subject: lock debugging (was Re: Just for fun)
To: Andrew Doran <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: tech-smp
Date: 01/16/2007 07:53:51
Andrew Doran <> writes:
> The branch adds one more piece of the puzzle (locking around process state).
> That it works comparatively well is a product of all of the locks that have
> been trickling into the system for the last .. well, since 4.4BSD I think.

BTW, I wonder whether we can modify an x86 emulator into a lock

Some years ago I read a paper about a system called "taintbochs" that
modified the Bochs emulator to track the flow of password and other
sensitive data inside a kernel.

What if we did something similar but instead taught the emulator about
locks and traced unlocked touches of global data structures?
