Subject: Re: Different speed CPUs show up as same speed
To: Andrew Gillham <>
From: Rick Kelly <>
List: tech-smp
Date: 06/11/2002 11:31:25
Andrew Gillham said:

>"B.8 Supporting Unequal Processors
>Some MP operating systems that exist today do not support processors of
>different types, speeds, or capabilities. However, as processor lifetimes 
>increase and new generations of processors arrive, the potential for
>dissimilarity among processors increases. The MP specification addresses this
>potential by providing an MP configuration table to help the operating system
>configure itself.  Operating system writers should factor in processor
>variations, such as processor type, family, model, and features, to arrive at
>a configuration that maximizes overall system performance. At a minimum, the
>MP operating system should remain operational and should support the common
>features of unequal processors."

Even back in the 386 days, Sequent supported mixed speed processors. I think
Corollary did as well.

Rick Kelly