Subject: RAIDframe?
To: None <tech-smp@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Graham Guttocks <>
List: tech-smp
Date: 04/02/2002 16:23:57

I had planned to install NetBSD on a workstation
with the intent to use RAIDframe to mirror the drive,
and also try the SMP support since this box has dual
procs.  However, I see the following in MP-UPDATING:

  Note that the mainline got RAIDframe added to GENERIC; however, this
  has been commented out on the branch because RAIDframe currently
  doesn't use locks correctly; with LOCKDEBUG, you'll panic, which means
  without LOCKDEBUG, you'll likely probably deadlock/hang in ugly ways.

Does this mean I'm out of luck, and can't use both SMP 
and RAIDframe?  Just wanted to confirm.


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