Subject: Re: Upgrade path to SMP
To: None <>
From: Havard Eidnes <>
List: tech-smp
Date: 09/13/2001 13:09:49
> > 2. So I can avoid having to rebuild userland later: is it better to=

> > import sys/arch/i386 from sommerfield_i386mp_1 into -current, or
> > something stable (1.5.x)?  Elsewhere I generally use NetBSD -curren=
> the sommerfi(?)eld_i386mp_1 branch is based on -current, not the
> netbsd-1-5 branch.

It's also fairly important to pick the right time to do this, because
the code on the sommerfeld_i386mp_1 has at least historically not
continuously been updated to be synced with -current, and I'd be
hesitant to try this if -current has been progressing too far away from=

the last time the SMP branch was synchronized towards the main branch.

To avoid problems, you should do a date-based checkout of current to th=
time when the last time the sommerfeld_i386mp_1 branch was synchronized=
so as to minimize the chances of failure.


- H=E5vard