Subject: Re: Whew...hello!
To: Greywolf <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: tech-smp
Date: 08/05/2001 22:52:54
On Sun, Aug 05, 2001 at 01:42:05PM -0700, Greywolf wrote:
> My question is:  Do I have to import the entirety of userland on the
> sommerfeld_i386_mp tree, or just the kernel source?  I know, it seems
> stupid to ask that, but I'm honestly not sure...

For future reference, there's a file doc/BRANCHES, which gives
information like what you're looking for.

Here's what it says about sommerfeld_i386_mp right now.

Branch:         sommerfeld_i386mp_1
Description:    Multiprocessor support for i386 using intel MP BIOS.
Start Date:     21 Feb 2000
End Date:
Base Tag:       sommerfeld_i386mpbase_1
Maintainer:     Bill Sommerfeld <>
Scope:          sys/arch/i386
                Code committed to the branch has booted to multiuser 
                on at least one system.

		Not guaranteed to compile against mainline since
		-current may have changed incompatibly with the last
		branch update; use "cvs update -D" to roll-back the rest
		of the tree to match.

		Please get explicit permission from the maintainer
		before each commit, or your changes will be backed out.
		Other tags starting with sommerfeld_ are private to the
		developer and are guaranteed to be unstable.  Only the
		maintainer should move tags.

                See sys/arch/i386/TODO on the branch for a list of known
                issues with the branch.

David Maxwell,| --> Unless you have a solution
when you tell them things like that, most people collapse into a gibbering, 
unthinking mass.  This is the same reason why you probably don't tell your 
boss about everything you read on BugTraq!    - Signal 11