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Re: Relax the prohibition of usage fchdir(2) to quit a chroot

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 11:37:23AM +0200, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:
> The second side of this ugly hack is that it opens the possibilities
> to flawlessly interfere between the native and a chroot environment
> and make the job done immediately -- just enter_chroot() and
> quit_chroot() and you are done, with zero modification to the
> code-base, zero additional-logic. Replacing flawlessly the broken
> design with something sane produced many and different difficult
> use-cases of RPM features to get implemented - and in the end I was
> enforced to abandon it at that time.

If you really want to introduce chroot backdoors, you can create a pair
of processes with a Unix Domain Socket in between and allow the chrooted
process to request files from the outside process.


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