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const time authentication in bozohttpd


 bozohttpd currently checks password using strcmp, which may leak information
about compared data, my patch [1] introduces following countermeasures:

 - username / password is now compared using introduced timing safe function
   (which run time depends on the known string)
 - remove username/password from the memory as it's no longer needed
 - avoid username leak by checking all records in the auth file (previously
   when we found valid username but user sent invalid password we break from
   the loop, so other records from the .htpassword weren't checked, thus an
   attacker basing on response time could be able to figure out if username
   exists) by checking all records in the file.

 This might sounds a bit paranoid, but I've got real world example that the
problem really exists: is a bozohttpd (built from HEAD):

  executed by: : /usr/libexec/httpd -d -c cgi-bin -bf -X -I 8080 .

  shm@netbsd-dev ~/www $ cat .htpasswd

  (password is bla)

  Response times from the machine in the same LAN:

  For non-existing user:

$ for ((i=0;i<100;i++)) ; do time curl
http://notexists:bla3@ ; done 2> /dev/stdout | grep real |
sort | uniq -c
   1 real 0m0.016s
   1 real 0m0.017s
   3 real 0m0.018s
  13 real 0m0.019s
  50 real 0m0.020s
   4 real 0m0.021s
   1 real 0m0.022s
   1 real 0m0.023s
   2 real 0m0.024s
   5 real 0m0.025s
   7 real 0m0.030s
   3 real 0m0.031s
   1 real 0m0.033s
   1 real 0m0.034s
   2 real 0m0.035s
   2 real 0m0.036s
   1 real 0m0.037s
   1 real 0m0.040s
   1 real 0m0.045s

For existing user:

$ for ((i=0;i<100;i++)) ; do time curl http://test3:bla3@ ;
done 2> /dev/stdout | grep real | sort | uniq -c
   2 real 0m0.086s
   3 real 0m0.087s
   3 real 0m0.088s
  14 real 0m0.089s
  43 real 0m0.090s
  11 real 0m0.091s
   2 real 0m0.092s
   2 real 0m0.093s
   2 real 0m0.094s
   2 real 0m0.095s
   3 real 0m0.096s
   1 real 0m0.097s
   1 real 0m0.098s
   1 real 0m0.101s
   1 real 0m0.102s
   1 real 0m0.104s
   5 real 0m0.106s
   1 real 0m0.108s
   1 real 0m0.115s
   1 real 0m0.130s

   For bozohttpd with my patch results are as follows:

  For not-existing user:

shm@selene ~ $ for ((i=0;i<100;i++)) ; do time curl
http://notexists:bla2@ ; done 2> /dev/stdout | grep real |
sort | uniq -c
   2 real 0m0.087s
   3 real 0m0.088s
  13 real 0m0.089s
  51 real 0m0.090s
  10 real 0m0.091s
   2 real 0m0.093s
   2 real 0m0.094s
   2 real 0m0.095s
   1 real 0m0.096s
   1 real 0m0.097s
   7 real 0m0.100s
   1 real 0m0.102s
   1 real 0m0.104s
   1 real 0m0.106s
   1 real 0m0.114s
   1 real 0m0.115s
   1 real 0m0.268s

  For existing user:

shm@selene ~ $ for ((i=0;i<100;i++)) ; do time curl
http://bla:bla2@ ; done 2> /dev/stdout | grep real | sort |
uniq -c
   1 real 0m0.087s
  12 real 0m0.089s
  54 real 0m0.090s
  11 real 0m0.091s
   2 real 0m0.092s
   2 real 0m0.093s
   1 real 0m0.094s
   2 real 0m0.096s
   5 real 0m0.100s
   2 real 0m0.101s
   1 real 0m0.104s
   5 real 0m0.105s
   1 real 0m0.115s
   1 real 0m0.120s

 Do you have any thoughts on this? I'd like to commit [1], if there is no

 Kind Regards,


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