Subject: Re: Interesting security discovery.
To: Michael Richardson <>
From: Alex Pelts <>
List: tech-security
Date: 09/14/2006 13:56:23
I can think of many things to put in sshd if I am to modify the code.
The thing is that I don't want to modify sshd code.
Michael Richardson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
>>>>>> "Alex" == Alex Pelts <> writes:
> Alex> That is always a possibility even without adding a
> Alex> delay. There is a setting in sshd_conf that limits number of
> Alex> unauthenticated connections. Using this setting will also
> Alex> possible to create denial of service condition. Creating a
> Alex> delay will serve as a possible deterrent of automated password
> Alex> guessing. As I mentioned it is not good on busy interactive
> Alex> shh servers, but on game/http/ftp servers where numbers of
> Alex> interactive ssh logins is low, this could be used.
> Alex> Are there any other problems with this besides denial of
> Alex> service?
> It would be better if you put:
> sleep(rand() & 0x4f);
> into the password fail path of sshd, before it responds to the user.
> (I need to think about whether or not to put this in the success path too)
> That way:
> a) you do not affect successful logins.
> b) you do not affect RSA logins.
> The other thing that would be nice is to lower the TCP receive windows
> size to 1 byte...
> - --
> ] Bear: "Me, I'm just a the shape of a bear." | firewalls [
> ] Michael Richardson, Xelerance Corporation, Ottawa, ON |net architect[
> ] |device driver[
> ] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [
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