Subject: Re: BPG call for use cases
To: Manuel Freire <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-security
Date: 07/21/2005 12:22:43
On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Manuel Freire wrote:
> we're looking for use cases that would be nice to add to BPG. We'd like
> to know your opinion about which features would you like to be included.
Two things come to mind:
1) the PGP handling as used in side NetBSD, to sign keys, establish trust,
sign and en/decrypt messages and files as well as keep data public (in
files and on key servers).
2) signed binary pkgs. See pkg_add -s. I think there's room for changing
the interface in pkg_add etc. as it's not actively used right now (as far
as I know). Communication should happen on WRT that.
- Hubert