Subject: Re: cryptosrc-intl
To: None <>
From: Sean Witham <>
List: tech-security
Date: 07/16/1999 13:55:06
Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> As I believe you're aware, this is exactly the oversimplification of
> the situation which my patent attorney suggested a court was highly
> unlikely to agree with on _precisely_ this subject.
> A.K.A. "well, we didn't want you to *use* that source code, it was just
> to look at!"  We could easily lose a case of contributory infringement
> that way.

So what about providing technical information of any other kind that
could be
used illegally ? There a jump from providing information and inciting,
or knowingly assisting with illegal activity. I suggest the inclusion of
a statement describing the legal use of such information.
