Subject: Re: VPN support with NetBSD?
To: Rob Quinn <>
From: Scott Bartram <>
List: tech-security
Date: 07/28/1998 17:37:31
I would recommend ipsec rather than swipe. AFAIK Raptor's version of swipe
was only tested against other Raptor products. They never tried to make it
compatible with anything since they knew ipsec was coming.

On Tue, 28 Jul 1998, Rob Quinn wrote:

>  I've done some searches and poking around, and I see no support for
> VPNs or tunnels. Are there any add-on solutions for me? In particular
> I want to connect to a Raptor firewall, which supports swipe, ipsec
> and isakmp encapsulation. I'll settle for a commercial product, as
> long as it runs _on_ my unix machine. ssh is not a viable solution at
> this time.