Subject: Re: Removing dm(1)
To: Soren S. Jorvang <>
From: Eivind Eklund <>
List: tech-security
Date: 11/19/1997 16:26:11
> > > It also seems to me that most (all?) of the games need no more than being
> > > setgid games, as all they do (apart from the game stuff) is write score
> > > files to /var/games . This would also lessen the impact of security holes
> > > in the games.
> > 
> > Yes, I think that this is an excellent idea.
> Someone suggested looking at the changes made in OpenBSD and FreeBSD which
> supposedly includes this, among other things.
> FreeBSD (at least 2.2.5 does, and also -current from a cursory look) still
> seems to use dm(8). I don't have an OpenBSD tree to check right now.

FreeBSD 2.2.5 has a simple solution to this (no setuid for any
programs that don't need it, owned by bin for those cases).  This was
all I had time for before the release.

FreeBSD-current has a more complete solution, based on setgid games.
This is a merge from OpenBSD with a lot of changes to that (mostly
done by Andrey Chernow).  AFAIK, it doesn't break anything, as opposed
to the OpenBSD solution.

To minimize work for NetBSD, I would suggest merging the FreeBSD
changes.  If this is what you go for, it has to be done NOW - FreeBSD
is probably going to throw out the games in the very near future,
which loose the revision history you need to merge effectively.
