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Handling pullups

Hi folks,

Chatting @ FOSDEM we had fun discussing getting rid of CVS, and
apparently we could use documentation for that particular purpose.

I was wondering how we would like to handle pullups.

One of the suggestions was pullups might be best handled by
creating a one-off branch for the pullups, where commits are
grafted and merges are resolved, putting the vast majority of
must-be-manual burden on just the submitter (as opposed to "both the
submitter and releng")

I really like this idea, but wondered: how should we handle the
naming of branches? if we use branches that are later removed, then we
can freestyle.
Otherwise, we'll probably want some consistent naming policy like


(This was at the illumos dinner, if you were wondering why you didn't
hear it. I am super excited about this, hoping that if we ease up the
work of pkgsrc-releng then we can make a lot more out of pkgsrc-stable,
like longer branch time)

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