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Re: pkgsrc-wip conversion

		Hi Eric, Thomas, all,

[I am posting from pkgsrcCon 2015, from which Benny just posted
about the same topic]

On 07/01/15 13:42, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> I'm the main pkgsrc-wip administrator, and would like to convert away
> from CVS to git or hg (slight preference to hg because I prefer its
> command line, and think I know how to set this up as a server and
> givelots of people access to it -- wip currently has over 400
> committers).

Git doesn't have the best CLI-based UI but has the popularity bias - and
therefore my personal preference. I can suggest:

- the actual place to host a Git repository is not that big of a deal,
  since it is distributed, but there should be a one true place to find
  the development HEAD for sure;
- in this regard, and considering we're coming from SourceForge, it
  wouldn't shock me to host pkgsrc-wip on GitHub (where
  joyent/pkgsrc-wip is already popular, as seen at

I can help with the setup of a Git server in any case, using Gitolite
( as I've been doing it for EdgeBSD already:;a=tree;f=edgebsd;hb=HEAD

> I have converted the pkgsrc-wip repository (available via rsync at
> rsync:// to fossil
> using Jörg's cvs2fossil, and then made a git repository from that, and
> a hg repository from the git repository (using the hg-git extension;
> 'hg convert' is buggy when converting this repository from git).

I wonder how Joyent did it. There is this project from IIJ also, which
worked for src:
I haven't tested it yet though.

> [...]
> I think the repository is basically "nice" (no hand-editing AFAIK
> except complete removal of some *,v where files were imported into
> wrong paths).
> There is one particularity with it: In pkgsrc and thus in pkgsrc-wip
> it was common to 'cvs import' new packages. The Vendor tag for wip was
> the sourceforge username, the Release tag the sourceforge username
> with the import date attached, for example THOMASKLAUSNER and
> THOMASKLAUSNER__20140701 (for pkgsrc itself, the tags were usually
> "TNF" and "pkgsrc-$DATE"). We've changed away from that and are using
> 'cvs add' for some years now.
> I'm not sure it's worth keeping these branches, since they basically
> were just artifacts of the process and do not contain information. I'm
> fine with keeping them though, if that's easier, but I'd prefer that
> they should be marked dead/obsolete/closed (hg supports that for
> branches, not sure about git).

I'd say it's not worth keeping them.

> I'd be interested in your comments, and help in getting a better
> conversion done, if possible.

Well, HTH!

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