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A VCS to suit "the NetBSD way".

On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 11:13:20AM -0700, Darren Reed wrote:
> Each of the above tools solves a particular set of problems but
> none of them is the perfect universal DVCS and none of the
> alternatives seem to fit well into the netbsd way of life.
> So while lots of smart and intelligent people may have worked on
> this problem, I'm willing to bet that none of them have come up with
> a design/product that was built from the ground up to serve this
> project. 

I've seen this kind of statement (in one form or another) a number of
times.  While it's undoubtedly true in a factual sense, it contains a
huge assumption and dangerous fallacy, in two parts.  That must be
corrected if we're to get a good result out of all this.

Part 1 is the assumption that there is inherently something right and
good about every current aspect of 'the NetBSD way'.  We need to make
the distinction between concrete practices and the project objectives
and philosophies behind them.

Current NetBSD practices have clearly evolved and been shaped very
strongly around the limitations and specific characteristics of CVS.
Some of these practices are a good way of doing a good thing, with the
tools we have.  Other practices are more in the style of workarounds
for limitations of the tool; somewhat awkward or difficult ways of
doing a good thing, that we have become accustomed to and perhaps no
longer recognise as so awkward.

So far so good, nothing controversial here; evaluation of new tools
can proceed with an assessment of how we do one or another action in
the new tool, and what its features offer by way of improvement for
some of the more unpleasant practices required with CVS.  We look at
and translate the practices and maintain the underlying objectives and

What is not so clear is that some of the objectives and philosophies
of 'the NetBSD way' are also shaped very strongly around assumptions
and practices derived from the tools.  It's unavoidable, with such a
long project history, that traditions and practices have become more
entrenched than they perhaps deserve.  

At the very least, I expect that for most developers, it will take
several iterations of making a notional list of practices vs underlying
objectives and philosophies, before things are really sorted into the
right columns.  Only then can we really undertake the kind of new tool
assessment described above. 

But even then, it's my belief and hope that we should go further, that
we should examine and assess critically things in both columns.  That
requires paring back to really essential objectives and philosophies,
with a few more iterations from the above to restate things as truly
core values.  That might get us a more concrete description of what
'the NetBSD way' is currently, and that would be a worthwhile
exercise regardless.  Some of those things would be worth
reconsidering as to whether we want to keep them going forward, and/or
whether we want to introduce anything fundamentally new, regardless of

The best thing about all the activity in this space recently, and the
broad crop of new tools that have resulted, is the opportunity not
just to do things differently and better, but to do very different and
better things as software developers.  The DVCS tools, and the
philosophical comparisons between them, are good starting examples for
those beginning to get their heads around this opportunity, just
because they have such clear differences from CVS, but it is really
worth looking at from a perspective aside from any particular tool.

I have lots of examples in mind, but I don't want this post to get
any longer, and I don't want to distract from the core conceptual
point by starting arguments (or even productive discussion) about one
or another example.  I also (clearly) have some views on the different
philosophies enabled and embodied by some of the various new
tools. I'll leave both for later follow-up. 

The good news is that the best practical way to start down this
assessment is to start playing with the various tools, keeping in mind
the broader objective and looking all the time at what the comparisons
and characteristics of each teach you about what it is you want to do
with them.  You will no doubt find your philosophies being shaped by
whichever new tool you pick up first, but be aware of that in the
process and it will teach you more than the tool.

> Thus I think we, and the open source community, could be
> well served if someone or some people sat down to design and write
> such a tool that did do what we wanted.

And this is Part 2 of the fallacy, even leaving aside the assumption
that we know what we *really* want in the sense of the above.  Such a
tool would probably not be sustainable.

Either our requirements are close enough that the differences are
valuable information to steer the evolution of the existing tools to
better support them (and well-stated and well-reasoned requirements
from larger software projects are invaluable to vcs developers). or
they are so alien and different that the tool we would have to develop
would be useless to anyone else.  I don't think the latter is the case
at all, though I'm certain there's room to build on some of the
current tools as a base.


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