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Re: video of git talk

Eric Gillespie wrote:
Darren Reed <> writes:

> Both svn and hg suck in that you cannot get a single file or small
> sub-directory tree out of a repo, you need to get the whole f'ing thing.
> > This isn't just a workflow thing of being able to checkout src/gnu,
> but also, for example, being able to do 'cvs checkout sys/sys/param.h'.

If I understand you correctly, this is not true.  You can
svn checkout from as deeply in the repository as you like,
e.g. 'svn co .../src/gnu' or 'svn co .../sys/sys'.  It's true
that you can't checkout param.h only, but if you can get just the
directory, is that not good enough?

At least with FreeBSD, my recollection was that this didn't work
until you had pulled a complete copy of the repository over to be
local to you - which defeats the purpose of the restricted tree
checkout (I don't want to wait for 1.5GB of source to d/l.)

And no, forcing me to get an entire directory when I want a single
file isn't always good enough...especially if said directory has many
many files.


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