Subject: Re: The relevance of ancient hardware
To: S.P.Zeidler <>
From: Eric Gillespie <>
List: tech-repository
Date: 09/13/2007 16:15:51
"S.P.Zeidler" <> writes:

> If that is updateable, that mostly covers my concern. Not every user
> wanting to track a branch needs to keep all the baggage just to
> keep up to date.

Not directly updateable: without meta-data, you don't know what's
there, so how could you update it?  However, a few dozen line
Python script could keep a single meta-data file containing just
the revision number, and use that to do an update.

Hm, this seems like a common need, so maybe the tool already
exists.  If not, I see no problem getting it integrated into the
Subversion source tree.

Eric Gillespie <*>