Subject: Re: NetBSD/playstation2 anyone?
To: David Maxwell <>
From: r oxbrow <>
List: tech-ports
Date: 12/28/2000 17:17:31
The non-vector unit side of the PS is a MIPS risc chip of some sort..
(maybe the 64bit core -  with 128bit MMX or something like that).
There are few engineering articles around ( IEEE micro and various IEEE
conferences) which describe the design  of various bits and pieces.

On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 01:29:18AM -0400, David Maxwell wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 03:53:42PM -0500, Brian Chase wrote:
> > I just noticed that the Sega Dreamcast got a mailing list created for it a
> > short while ago.  Is there any interest in getting a port going for the
> > new PlayStation 2?  It's quite a nice little box.  Given that most of my
> > systems are VAXen, my PS2 definitely qualifies as my most powerful system.
> The big problem is CPU. While the Dreamcast runs an Hitachi SHx series
> processor, the PS2 has a custom Sony 'Emotion Engine' RISC CPU.
> I have no idea what docs are public (if any).
> -- 
> David Maxwell,| -->
> Net Musing #5: Redundancy in a network doesn't mean two of everything and
> half the staff to run it.
> 					      - Tomas T. Peiser, CET