Subject: __fixunssfdi.c crud ...
To: None <tech-ports@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Cagney <>
List: tech-ports
Date: 10/11/1995 23:33:43

It would appear that the __fixunssfdi.c in libc/quad gives different
results to the one supplied by gcc vs:

cagney@bunyip$ gcc -g -o x86 conversion.c /usr/lib/libc.a
cagney@bunyip$ ./x86
Abort trap
cagney@bunyip$ gcc -g -o x86 conversion.c /usr/lib/libgcc.a 
cagney@bunyip$ ./x86

Is any one aware of other problems similar to this one (before I spend
another day chasing a red herring ...).


[conversion.c is a program from a gcc test suite]