Subject: Re: official logo proposal
To: Quentin Garnier <>
From: Adam Hamsik <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/19/2007 20:01:14
Hash: SHA1

On Sep 19, 2007, at 5:43 PM, Quentin Garnier wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 08:58:36AM -0400, Louis Guillaume wrote:
>> Dieter Baron wrote:
>>>   The last thread on tech-pkg produced two basic logo designs.   
>>> While
>>> the folding paper box design by Thomas Bieg is very original and
>>> expresses elegantly what pkgsrc is about, it is a rather complex
>>> design with many small parts;
>> Text version of Thomas Bieg's logo (apologies to Thomas)...
>>    /===+===+===\
>>    | p | k | g |
>>    \===+===+---/---+---+
>>            | s | r | c |
>>            +---+---+---+
>>    +---+---+---+
>>    | p | k | g |
>>    +---+---+---+---+---+
>>            | s | r | c |
>>            +---+---+---+
>> ... with and without the folding edges! I don't think this logo is
>> complex at all.

  I was calm :) because we need logo. But I vote for Thomas's logo  
it's greate.
> I think the lid-less logo is just fine for us;  I like it a lot.   
> There's
> no point in making it obvious it's an unfolded cube;  people will  
> get it
> when they go to our booth at a show and see a pkgsrc cube folded.
> One of the best logo I know of is Carrefour's
> (  The best proof of that would be that it
> hasn't changed since it was introduced 50 years ago.
> It's really not obvious it's a C embedded in a diamond, and usually
> people won't realise until they're told or they really concentrate on
> it;  which nobody really does because it's not what a logo is about.
> Of course, once you see the letter C in it, you never look at the logo
> the same way, it's not the red arrow opposed to the weird blue arrow
> anymore.
>> The cube, on the other hand, is very complex and difficult to  
>> reproduce.
> You got that right, pal.
> -- 
> Quentin Garnier - -
> "You could have made it, spitting out benchmarks
> Owe it to yourself not to fail"
> Amplifico, Spitting Out Benchmarks, Hometakes Vol. 2, 2005.

- -----------------------------------------
Adam Hamsik
icq: 249727910

Proud NetBSD user.

We program to have fun.
Even when we program for money, we want to have fun as well.
~ Yukihiro Matsumoto

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
