Subject: Re: logo?
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/16/2007 16:43:48
I've had a look at the current logo suggestions by Chris Wareham[1] and
Thomas Bieg[2]. They both have the "cube" (package) idea, but IMHO that
idea is more obvious in the former than in the latter images:
The "building" idea in the latter suggestion is nice, but I doubt many
people that don't know pkgsrc will get that point.
When choosing the NetBSD logo, "not too many visual details" was a
requirement, and the glue-lids with their fine lines needed for the second
version will likely be a problem in small versions (think buttons).
Just my $0.02...
Who's to go and take a pick? pkgsrc-pmc?
- Hubert