Subject: Re: logo?
To: Mark E. Perkins <>
From: Thomas Bieg <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/14/2007 18:52:26
Mark E. Perkins wrote:
> On 2007/07/14 11:06, Mark E. Perkins wrote:
>> And if the whole thing is
>> rotated counter-clockwise by PI/4, but the letters remain vertical, something
>> like:
> Make that PI/8.  Apparently I'm also mathematically challenged today, as well...

(I don't think you were... Pi/4 sounds quite right to me.)

>>                s       c
>>      p     g       r
>>         k
>> you actually improve readability for 3-D w/o hurting for 2-D, IMO.

Here's a quick mockup done from the existing bitmap (hence the
different layout):
