Subject: R-Bioconductor package(s)
To: None <>
From: Brook Milligan <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/28/2007 12:52:21
I am interested in putting together a Bioconductor package. This is a
collection of lots (50-100) of R packages. However, there is a
mechanism (e.g., running an R script) for installing various
combinations of them. Note that some of the packages might already
exist within the pkgsrc collection of R packages, and some are useful
on their own outside of the Bioconductor context.
I can see two approaches to packaging these:
1. Use the normal pkgsrc mechanism of building an individual pkgsrc
package for each individual R package, perhaps with a metapackage
for the whole thing.
2. Make a package based upon the Bioconductor install script that
would install everything at once.
Clearly, the former is better integrated with pkgsrc and allows a fine
level of granularity. It is a lot more work, though. I am also
concerned that, given the number of packages involved and the
consequent delays with getting people to commit them, this work might
never make it into pkgsrc.
I would appreciate suggestions of how to proceed.