Subject: Re: creating pkg_summary after each bulk build
To: Dieter Baron <>
From: Alistair Crooks <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/26/2007 14:20:15
On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 09:37:19AM +0200, Dieter Baron wrote:
> hi,
> > > A fixed version of your patch is attached (you used variables not
> > >defined in build).
> > 
> > So the test was successful and this can be committed?
>   Yes, the attached patch created the summary file correctly.
> > Do you want to, or shall I?
>   As you wish.  However, we are currently in a freeze.
> @PMC: Is it okay to commit this (create pkg_summary.gz at the end of
> build insted of the beginning of upload) during the freeze?

My view is that this infrastructure change is not that urgent, and
so I don't see any reason to break our own rules for the freeze.

I can see no gain from introducing churn now.
