Subject: Re: Yet further tests on x11 7.2.0 (found the bug!)
To: Vincent <>
From: Vincent <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/29/2006 11:52:55
Vincent a écrit :
> I do experience a strange thing in The XOM framework won't 
> work with LANG = fr_FR.UTF-8. While trying to load a font, the WM (be it 
> fvwm, twm or any other) aborts. ktracing it reveals that it looks, 
> before loading the font file, for a library named:
> /usr/pkg/lib/X11/locale/common/
> which does not exist, instead I have
> Besides, I have no idea where does the xomLTRTTB spring out.

Okay, I got it finally. The file XI18N_OBJS in /usr/pkg/share/X11/locale 
is wrong. It still references xomLTRTTB instead of xomGeneric in its XOM 
entry. The ISO-8859 directories seem to have been updated. Correcting 
the en_US.UTF-8/XI18N_OBJS fixes the bug.
