Subject: Re: pkgsrc on case-insensitive filesystem
To: OBATA Akio <>
From: Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/11/2006 10:58:49
On 9/11/06, OBATA Akio <> wrote:
> Hi!
> Dose pkgsrc support case-insensitive filesystem?
> In The pkgsrc guide:
> 3.3.1 Darwin (Mac OS X)
> ........
> Note
> You cannot use an ordinary HFS+ file system for pkgsrc, because pkgsrc
> currently requires the file system to be case-sensitive. You can, however, use
> a case-sensitive HFS+ file system as found in Darwin 7.0 and newer.
> ........
> When installing Interix/SFU
> ........
> During installation you may be asked whether to enable setuid behavior for
> Interix programs, and whether to make pathnames default to case-sensitive.
> Setuid should be enabled, and case-sensitivity MUST be enabled. (Without
> case-sensitivity, a large number of packages including perl will not build.)
> On 1st paragraph, It seems that pkgsrc framework needs case-sensitive.
> On 2nd paragraph, It seems to be depending on each packages.

The directory that holds pkgsrc must be case sensitive.  Otherwise you
cannot even do a checkout of the tree.  The directory used for
installation of packages may be case insensitive, although some
packages might fail to work properly.

I've been using a HFS+ case-sensitive volume for pkgsrc and a
case-insensitive one for PREFIX (/usr/pkg) for a while under Mac OS X
and everything works fine so far.

Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
The Julipedia -