Subject: Re: dependency on postgresql server
To: Brook Milligan <>
From: Geert Hendrickx <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/04/2006 16:34:06
On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 08:17:12AM -0600, Brook Milligan wrote:
> As a quick summary for the mailing list, the solution used for slony1
> includes the following in the packge Makefile:
>      DEPENDS+=	postgresql${PGSQL_VERSION}-server-[0-9]*:../../databases/postgresql${PGSQL_VERSION}-server
>      .include "../../mk/"
> Doesn't this lead to a dependency on _both_ the server and the client?
> I'm not sure what the requirements for slony1 are, but I am needing a
> dependency on _only_ the server, not the client.  In fact, it would be
> incorrect to arbitrarily create a needless dependency on the client.

postgresql*-server depends on the -client package anyway, so an extra
dependency on the -client won't hurt much.  
