Subject: Re: Endless loop in devel/glib (
To: None <,>
From: Gilles Dauphin <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/10/2006 13:08:53
> From: Lars Nordlund <>
> Hello
> I just noticed during pkg_comp usage on another box that the new file
> will replace the libtool wrapper script with
> another script that only does exec on itself. So when the first file in
> devel/glib was compiled it got caught in an endless loop..
> I have not looked at possible solutions yet, as the cvsup mirror I am
> using has not gotten this new file yet.
> Best regards,
> 	Lars Nordlund

All packages with LTCONFIG_OVERRIDE had this problem. I hope last patch
in mk/... will repair that bug. (I don't test yet)
